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Navi Mumbai issues strict guidelines to curb pollution at construction sites

Navi Mumbai: The Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation (NMMC) has issued comprehensive standard operating practices (SOP) to control air and noise pollution at construction sites across the city. The new guidelines include measures such as erecting 6-metre continuous dust or wind-breaking metal sheets around construction sites and using tarpaulin or green cloth to cover scaffolding during demolitions.
The civic body has warned of stringent penalties for violations and has formed a task force to monitor construction sites. Ward officers are required to personally inspect construction and excavation sites within their jurisdiction at least once a week until project completion.
Kailas Shinde, the municipal commissioner, explained the motivation behind the new guidelines: “We have been regularly receiving complaints from citizens and people’s representatives concerning noise and air pollution, as well as blasting-related issues. The Bombay High Court, which had initiated a suo moto public interest litigation earlier, issued orders on 11 December last year for measures to be taken to curb air pollution.”
In response to these concerns, Shinde formed an expert committee in April, headed by additional municipal commissioner Shirish Aradwad, to study the issue and recommend appropriate measures.
The resulting SOPs, now published on the civic website, provide detailed guidelines for construction permit holders, developers, and contractors regarding air and noise pollution mitigation. The practices also outline precautions for excavation work and blasting for multiple basement construction.
Shinde emphasised the seriousness of compliance, stating, “If any violation of the specified rules and regulations is found, strict action will be taken against the construction permit holders, after my approval, as per the Maharashtra Town Planning Act 1966, Maharashtra Municipal Corporation Act 1949, and the circular issued by NMMC.”
Key guidelines for air pollution mitigation include erecting wind-breaking sheets over 6 metres high around construction sites, using protective covers on scaffolding during demolitions, avoiding on-site crushing of demolition materials, and continuous water spraying to keep debris wet.
To reduce noise pollution, the guidelines recommend choosing less noisy equipment, such as electronic-powered or hydraulic machinery, over diesel or pneumatic-powered alternatives. Other measures include covering metal surfaces with rubber to reduce vibrations and adding noise barriers to protect workers and the community.
Reports of violations will be submitted to Somnath Kekan, assistant director of town planning, for further action. The new guidelines aim to address the growing concerns of Navi Mumbai residents and align with broader efforts to improve air quality in the region.
